A Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy is now a self-certifying questionnaire to complete to achieve CHAS accreditation.
What is a Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy?
A mental health and wellbeing policy specifically addresses the mental health needs of your workforce. It does not need to be a long policy and it can be included in your overall Health and Safety policy.
Is a Mental Health Policy a Legal Requirement?
Although the words “Mental Health” are not referred to in the Health and Safety at Work Act, welfare is. Mental health and wellbeing can interpreted as welfare. Therefore, the duties, responsibilities and arrangements of a mental health policy are not new but they are being a focus to ensure employers are doing enough.

A mental health and wellbeing policy would typically include:
- A Statement of Intent to address mental health in your workplace
- Allocation of roles and responsibilities in regard to mental health
- Employee involvement
- Communication, awareness and promotion of mental health and wellbeing issues
- Training requirements
- Arrangements to support employees
- Mental Health First Aid Provision
- Health plan coverage for mental health issues
- Company mental health objectives and key performance indicators for effective management
- Provision of resources to achieve the objectives of the policy
- Processes and systems to identify mental health and wellbeing risks in the workplace
Acas, the government funded Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, have a short guide especially on why employers should have a policy that covers mental health.
Mental Health v Physical Health
Mental health is as important as physical health. There is no doubt about that, but, employers are reluctant to accept this fact. The duty upon employers to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all their employees whilst at work includes mental health. A physical injury is easy to assess and compensate but a mental health injury can carry a much higher compensation award. This is why employers must protect their employees, and their business, by ensuring a mental health and wellbeing policy is in place before a claim is.