If you need to download a Health and Safety Policy, this post will explain how. Every employer needs to have Health and Safety Policy. It is a requirement of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. There has always been confusion for companies with less than 5 employees though.
Does a Company with Less Than 5 Employees Need a Health and Safety Policy?
Yes. They do need a health and safety policy. But, they don’t need a WRITTEN health and safety policy. It is a quirk of the Health and Safety at Work Act.
If you are a small employer that doesn’t need a health and safety policy though, think about how you will prove you have a policy if you are asked for it. Let’s look at when you might be asked for your policy:
- By the Health and Safety Executive
- By your Insurance Company
- By a Company bringing a claim against your company
- By a potential client
Three out of the four above mean you are in some sort of negative situation. To work for the best outcome, your life will be so much easier if you can just email over a document.
Where Can I Download a Health and Safety Policy?
You can download a health and safety policy statement here. This is not a full health and safety policy, but it will suffice if you are a small company with under 5 employees. It is perfectly fine to do your own health and safety policy although it is usual for a Competent Person to do this for you.

What is the Difference Between a Health and Safety Policy Statement and a Health and Safety Policy?
The policy statement is one page long and covers six essential items that an employer must provide. These are the same for every company because they are written in the Health and Safety at Work Act. They are:
- Protect the Health, Safety and Welfare of all our employees whilst at work;
- Provide and maintain plant, equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health;
- Ensure safe handling, storage and transportation of article and substances;
- Ensure workplaces are maintained and in a condition that is safe and without risks to health with safe means of access and egress;
- Provide and maintain facilities and arrangements for employee’s welfare at work.
- Provide Suitable Instruction, Information, Training and Supervision for all employees and labour only sub-contractors to enable them to fulfil their duties safely
A Health and Safety Policy is a document with three sections. The first is your statement, the second is the organisation and the third is arrangements.
Health and Safety Policy Statement
This is the first page of every policy. It is the free download you can access here and it must be signed and dated within the last 12 months. This is to show you review your health and safety paperwork.
Organisation Section
This says who is responsible for implementing health and safety in the business. At the very least it will be Directors/Owners duties and employees duties. There also needs to be a sub section about communication as it is a legal requirement to communicate with staff about health and safety matters.
Arrangements Section
This is the bulk of your policy. Each area has a page of arrangements stating what your company does to comply with health and safety law. For example you will have a section for Accidents, First Aid, Electricity at Work, Working at Height etc. All the major hazard areas.
Download a Health and Safety Policy
If you want to download a Health and Safety Policy Template in MS Word format, you can buy one from my download shop here.