What Are RAMS?
Risk Assessment and Method Statement, it just a quick way of saying it.
What are RAMS Appraisals?
Checking is probably a better description than appraisal. It’s a report to state whether or not your Risk Assessment and Method Statement meet the Suitable and Sufficient Standard required by law.
Why Have RAMS?
Firstly, so your employees know what they are doing and what they need to do to stay safe. As an employer, your duty is to keep your employees safe whilst doing their job of work for you – your undertaking. RAMS are a way of formally communicating information and instruction to your employees.
Secondly, every construction company that employs subcontractors must ensure that they are employing competent subcontractors. It is a requirement of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations.
A way of checking that a subcontractor is competent is by making sure their RAMS (Risk Assessment and Method Statement) meet both current legal standards and their own standards. We call this check, an Appraisal.
The RAMS Appraisal Process
The subcontractors appointed by our clients are asked to complete This Appraisal Checksheet to ensure you send in everything we need to review. If we don’t receive the Appraisal Checksheet, we get in touch and request you fill it in before we appraise your documents. There is less of a failure rate on RAMS with completed appraisal sheets.

Subcontractors are requested to send their SITE SPECIFIC risk assessments and method statement to us, Infinite Safety Ltd.
We then check your risk assessment and method statement, giving feedback on the Appraisal Checksheet you sent us where necessary
If you do not have Risk Assessments and Method Statements
Please get in touch with us as you could benefit from our discounted sub-contractor rates which we offer to the supply chain of our Principal Contractor clients.
If you have any questions about this process, please leave us a message via our Contact Page