5 Questions We Are Asked the Most
You know when you don’t want to ask a question but you do and everyone says “yeah, I was wondering that!” Well, we are asked the same questions regularly, proving that no question is a daft question – you’re all wondering the same thing!! Want to know what our top five are?
- Why Do I Have To Supply Risk Assessments and a Method Statement for EVERY site?
Because EVERY site is different! Different access, different welfare arrangements, possibly even a different specification for yourselves.
Your Risk Assessment and Method Statement are a legal document which you WILL have to rely on in the event of a personal injury claim or Health and Safety Executive prosecution. It will not be factually correct if it is not relevant to the site your operatives are working on.
However, there is nothing wrong with having a template and tweaking it to make it site specific to where you are working. You do have to make it specific though, don’t just churn out the same document with no site details on .
2. Why Have You Failed my Risk Assessment and Method Statement?
The most common reason is that they are not site specific and they do not contain a way of making the work you are doing safe for your employees and the employees of others.
I have written a detailed post how to write a risk assessment and method statement. Read it here.
3. What is the difference between a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire and a Risk Assessment Method Statement Appraisal?
A Pre-Qualification Questionnaire is checking that, as a company, you meet the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act. There are also duties in the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM Regs) that the Principal Contractor has to meet. One of these is to make sure they appoint competent sub-contractors and the easiest way to do this is via the Pre-Qualification/Approved Subcontractor process.
The RAMS (Risk Assessment Method Statement) Appraisal Process is checking that the documents you are providing detail the actions you are taking to manage the risks to your employees and others working around them.
The two processes are very different as one looks at compliance (PQQ) and one looks at Risk Management (RAMS). In our company, the two processes are done by two different departments, which is why we can’t sort out both processes together.

4. Why Do I Have to Fill in a PQQ Questionnaire if I have a SSIP1 certificate?
So, SSIP1 is SMAS, Constructionline, Safecontractor, CHAS (and about 27 other companies that offer the same level of accreditation).
We are happy to accept an SSIP1 certificate as proof of your competence but we still need a completed PQQ Questionnaire and a copy of your insurance to show we have checked your documents and so we have an audit trail of thorough records.
5. How Can I Be A Health and Safety Advisor?
NEBOSH are the examining body for Health and Safety Professionals and the entry level qualification is the NEBOSH National General (or Construction) Certificate. This is followed by the NEBOSH Diploma.
It’s not all hazard spotting and picking fault, it’s knowing the law and being able to justify how it is being interpreted. It is also understanding how trades work, the sequence of housebuilding and how to reduce the risks to not only employees but those working in the same plots.
One of the main stumbling blocks that wannabe Safety Managers face is that they need experience but struggle to get a job (to get the experience) without it!! It’s a bit of a catch 22. If you’d like to shadow me for an inspection or for the day, email me at [email protected] with Job Shadow in the subject line. Tell me a bit about yourself and provide 3 convenient times for me to call to discuss how I can help you get the experience you need.
6. Do You Have a Different Question?
I’d love to hear it and have the opportunity to help. Find me on Linkedin and Message me