Are you a construction subcontractor in the housebuilding sector? Would you like someone to do your site specific RAMS for you and fill out your client questionnaires?
Good. You’ve just found your someone! I’m Claire, a Health and Safety Manager who loves filling in questionnaires and writing Health and Safety paperwork. This could work out really well for both of us!
I’m also really good at getting accreditations – like SMAS and CHAS – for construction businesses and the service I provide is wholly online. No more inconvenient phone calls, all you need to do is read and send emails at your convenience.
What is stopping you getting some help with your Health and Safety Paperwork?
Let me help you out…
If you can’t afford to pay someone to do your health and safety, you need to work out how much it is costing you by doing it yourself. How many hours are you spending doing health and safety paperwork over the whole year? Multiply this by the hourly rate you charge per hour for your productive time. This is how much health and safety is already costing you in actual money – you are already paying for it!
It’s easy to recoup that money by adding an amount to each job. However, the time you spend doing health and safety paperwork is gone! You’ve spent the time and you can’t get it back. How could you have spent that time? A day off? Time with family? Relaxing, or just not getting wound up doing paperwork! I can give you time in the future and save you money now by taking it off your plate.
If it’s not money, is it time?
If you don’t have time to set up some health and safety help, I’m pretty sure you don’t have the time to do the paperwork for every job you get. Then there’s the annual updates and accreditations you might need. Setting up my online health and safety service is easy. Just a click of a button, followed by 5 minutes to fill in a form so I can produce your health and safety paperwork. Every time you need a set of Risk Assessments and Method Statements for a new job, you just need to fill in an online form with the site details or just send me an email. I will write them and email them over to you and your client. I can save you your time, at least ten fold, within a year.
If it’s not money and it’s not time, have you…
You’ve had a bad experience with Health and Safety Consultants. Hmmm. Most subcontractors have, especially with consultancies recommended by banks and insurance companies. They are big companies, with huge binders of documents to justify their prices, super tight contracts and call centre staff that try and upsell you at every opportunity. That is not me. Nothing like me. I will never work that way. I have subcontracted to these companies, I know exactly how wrong their service is. Infinite Safety Ltd is two people – me and my assistant – and my documents are short and concise. Try me. If you don’t like the online health and safety service I provide, cancel it. You’re not tied into a contract.
Is an online health and safety service for you?
You don’t think it would work for you. If you want a face to face consultant, regular meetings and site visits, then undoubtedly, my service would not work for you. If you just want to send a quick email and receive documents in return, then my service IS for you. I email you a monthly update email to make sure you are aware of what to do to stay off the HSE Inspectors radar and in your clients good books. I also send over RAMS when you request them and I’ll email once a year to ask if you want any accreditations renewing. I’ll send your updated health and safety policy every year. That’s it. It’s an email based, low contact service.
If you’re just not sure. That’s fine, but if you don’t make the changes you need to or get the help you need to free up your time, where will you be in six months time?
Will the task be more overwhelming?
I’m guessing you’re on my site because you have some sort of health and safety problem. I can help you solve it.